Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) – Junior Engineer/ Electrical, Sub Station Attendant(SSA)

Junior Engineer/ Electrical, Sub Station Attendant(SSA)
Posted 7 years ago

Regd. Office: PSEB HEAD OFFICE, THE MALL, PATIALA-147001 (PUNJAB) Recruitment in Punjab State Power Corporation Limited against CRA No. 291/17 in PSPCL

Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL), a power generating and distribution organization of Government of Punjab, has played a key role in implementation of the Punjab Government plans for Electrification. PSPCL is looking for young & dynamic candidates with brilliant academic record for various posts:-

Table ‘A’ IMPORTANT DATES:Start of receiving online application.  – 21.12.2017 Closing date of online registration. –      11.01.2018 (11:59 PM) Closing date of step III (Online application fee)  –  15.01.2018 (11:59 PM) NOTE: (i) DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REFERRED AT THE TIME OF MAKING ONLINE APPLICATION GIVEN ON THE ONLINE WEB-PAGE AT PSPCL WEBSITE (www.pspcl.in). (II) CANDIDATES IN THEIR OWN INTEREST ARE ADVISED, NOT TO WAIT TILL THE LAST DATE & TIME AND REGISTER THEIR APPLICATION WELL WITHIN THE TIME. PSPCL SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE, IF THE CANDIDATES ARE NOT ABLE TO SUBMIT THEIR APPLICATION DUE TO LAST TIME RUSH. 1.    Advertisement No:- CRA-291/2017 Table ‘B’ Name of Post   –  Junior Engineer/ Electrical Post Code  –  21 No. of posts  –  300 Basic and professional qualification  – Full Time Regular 3/4 years Diploma in Electrical/ Electrical and Electronics/ Computer Science/IT Engg. from an institute recognized by State/ Central Govt. with minimum 60% marks . OR Full Time Regular BE/ B.Tech/B.Sc Engineering in Electrical/Electrical and Electronics/ Computer Science/IT Engg. with a minimum of 50 % marks or equivalent degree recognized by AICTE. OR AMIE in Electrical/Electrical and Electronics/ Computer Science/IT Engg. with at least 50% marks from Institution of Engineers(India) Calcutta. Pay Scale  –  10900-34800+ Rs. 5350 Grade Pay   Name of Post   – Sub Station Attendant(SSA) Post Code  – 31 No. of posts  – 253 Full time regular course in ITI /Electrical with minimum 60% marks and 2 years apprenticeship experience in PSEB now PSPCL. OR Full time Regular Diploma in Electrical Engineering with 60% marks OR Full time Regular Diploma in Electronics and communication with 60% marks. OR Full time Regular Diploma in Instrumentation and process control with 60% marks Pay Scale  – 6400-20200+ Rs. 3700 Grade Pay. Important note:- During the probation period mentioned in the offer of appointment or extended probation period whichever is more, newly appointed candidates shall be paid ‘fixed monthly emoluments’ of initial pay only and will not include any Grade Pay, Dearness allowance, annual increment or any other allowance except the travelling allowance as per entitlement of the post held by such candidate. However, in case of appointment of candidates already in service in PSPCL, their pay shall be protected if the ‘fixed monthly emoluments’ in the offer of appointment are lower than the pay actually drawn by them on the post on which they hold lien. But they will not be given any increment or any other allowance except TA during the probation period. When the services of a Government employee are regularized in that case the period spent on probation by them shall not be treated to be time spent on such post. Tentative Category-wise detailed breakup of both posts is given below:- Table ‘C’  
Sr.No Name of the Post Category Total Vacancies
1. Junior Engineer / Electrical Gen. SC/ Others SC/ MZB SC/ XSM SC/ SP BC BC/ XSM Sports person Physically Handi-capped Ex-Service man Freedom Fighter
CRA 291/17 140 27 27 12 3 27 6 5 8 19 3 277
Unfilled posts from previous CRA 3 16 4 23
Backlog of SC Category NIL
Total 140 30 27 12 3 27 6 5 24 23 3 300
  Sub Station Attendant Gen. SC/ Others SC/ MZB SC/XSM SC/ SP BC BC/ XSM Sports person Physically Handi-capped Ex-Service man Freedom Fighter Total Vacancies
           CRA            291/17 70 15 14 5 1 13 3 3 4 10 1 139
Unfilled posts from previous CRA 51 10 21 6 1 1 4 7 2 103
Backlog of SC Category 11
               Total 121 25 35 11 2 13 3 4 8 17 3 253
  Important Notes:- (i) PSPCL reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts as indicated above or cancel the entire/partial recruitment against the said CRA 291/17. (ii) Candidates are advised to read the bifurcation of the categories very carefully before filling up the online application as category/sub-category once filled cannot be changed to any other category including general category. (iii) As per the latest amendment made by the Ministry of Law and justice (Legislative Dept.) in ‘THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITY ACT 2016’, which have been further adopted by GoP vide memo. no. 1/1/2017/3DC-1063666/1 dated 13.09.2017, reservation quota for Physically Handicapped category (PHP) has been increased from 3% to 4%. However, in view this, if GoP make any changes in 100 no. roster point in future (before the declaration of result) against the said CRA 291/17, then the above mentioned category-wise break-up as per Table ‘C’ may change accordingly. 2. KNOWLEDGE OF PUNJABI: – Qualification of Punjabi is essential for both posts: – For this purpose, all the candidates must have passed Punjabi of atleast Matriculation or its equivalent level upto the date of document checking. Note: Relaxable for Sikh Migrants upto the extent that they will have to acquire such qualification within two years after joining the service failing which their services shall be liable to the terminated. 3. AGE LIMIT: – As per Punjab Govt. notification G.S.R.20/Const./Art.309/Amd.(10)/2010 dated 24.05.2010, the age limit as on 1/1/2018 for eligibility for these posts will be 18 to 37 years and relaxation in age will be as per Govt. of Punjab instructions. 4. RELAXATION IN AGE LIMIT: – Upper age limit is relaxable as admissible under rules/instructions of PSPCL/Punjab Government adopted by PSPCL from time to time. Relaxation in age in different categories subject to the condition that the candidate is meeting other eligibility criteria for the post is as given below: a. SC and Backward class: 5 years over & above the normal recruitment age. b. Ex-Serviceman (Self): Ex-servicemen of Punjab Domicile shall be allowed to deduct the period of his service in the Armed Forces of Union from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for direct appointment to such a vacancy in the Service Rules concerned by more than three years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit. c. Physically Handicapped: 10 years over and above the normal recruitment age. d. In case of the following, the upper age limit shall be 40 years: i. Widows; ii. Women who are legally separated from their husbands or have been divorced; iii. Women whose husbands have been ordered by Civil or Criminal courts to pay maintenance to them; iv. Women who have because of their desertion, been living separately from their husbands for more than two years. v. Women whose husbands have re-married; and vi. Wives of the serving military personnel and wives of those who are disabled while in Military service. e. For serving employees of PSPCL/Punjab Govt.: – To the extent of service rendered in PSPCL or erstwhile PSEB/Punjab Govt. Note: If benefit of age relaxation is admissible to a candidate for more than one of the five categories mentioned under subgraph ‘a’ to ‘d’ of para 4 above, then benefit shall be considered only for one of those categories which allows maximum age relaxation to the candidate. 5. RESERVATION OF POSTS: – The reservation of posts for reserved categories is applicable for candidates of Punjab Domicile only. Category once filled in the Application Form will not be allowed to be changed and no benefit of other category/General category will be admissible later on. The reserved category candidate will be required to submit requisite certificate on the prescribed format at the time of document checking if qualified in online test. Back log/unfilled posts shall be filled as per the table given (Page-3) in the Advertisement if any, shall be filled as per instructions of Govt. of Punjab adopted by PSPCL. The SC/BC Category certificate should be in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Welfare, Punjab and the certificate for the physically handicapped, Ex-Serviceman, Freedom fighters and Sports persons categories should be in accordance with the instruction of the Concerned Department of Govt. of Punjab as per the following details:
SC/BC Certificate as per the instruction of the concerned department.
Ex-Servicemen Lineal Descendant certificate duly issued by the concerned District Sainik Welfare Officer.
Freedom Fighters The requisite certificate issued by the Deputy Commissioner of the concerned district as per the instructions of the Punjab Govt.
Sports persons The relevant certificate regarding gradation as issued by the Director, Sports Department, Punjab.
Physically Handicapped Persons The certificate shall be issued by Civil Surgeon of Govt. Of Punjab. For Physically handicapped persons applying for a particular post shall be given the reservation for the extent of disability allowed as per lists of posts identified by Punjab Govt. Please refer Annexure-‘A’ for this.
Note: i) Candidates applying under the above mentioned categories should have obtained reservation related certificates before last date of online submission of the applications. ii) Eligibility of Persons with Disability(PWD), who are applying even under General category for any post shall be as per identification list given in the Annexure- ‘A’

6. SELECTION PROCESS: – (i) Candidates possessing qualifications defined as per Table ‘B’ will have to undergo online test, wherein, scheme of online examination for the post of Junior Engineer/Electrical and Sub Station Attendant will be as follows:-


Sr. No. Topic No. of questions
1 Questions related to the concerned discipline of the post applied 70 Questions
2 General Knowledge, Reasoning and General English 30 Questions
Total 100 Questions
(ii) The merit shall be prepared based on the marks secured in the online test except Sports person category which shall be determined as per Sports gradation policy no. 47/26/83-5Edu./2036 dated 10.12.1997). If two or more candidates secure same marks, then their relative merit shall be determined by their age with higher age candidates shall be placed at higher merit. The minimum qualifying marks in the online test for General Category candidates is 50% and for Reserve Category candidates is 40%. There will be 100 multiple choice objective type questions with one correct answer and there will be negative marking for a wrong answer @ 0.25 (1/4th) of the marks allotted for correct answer. (iii) On the basis of marks secured in the online examination, candidates shall be called for document checking, wherein, verification of original documents/certificates would be done by the document checking committee, for which the date shall be notified later through registered e-mail ID and on PSPCL’s website (www.pspcl.in) only. It is clarified that mere calling of any candidate for document checking doesn’t entitle him/her for selection/appointment to the said post. The offer of appointment for the number of posts to be filled will be given to the successful candidates qualified in the online test provided the candidates are found eligible after checking/verification of the documents relating to the various qualifications and eligibility criteria such as age, academic qualification, passing of Punjabi and certificates in respect of reservation etc. The candidature of a candidate will be rejected without any notice if any certificate or document provided found fake or forged or does not meet the eligibility criteria. Important Note: As per Sports gradation policy no.47/26/83-5Edu./2036 dated 10.12.1997, the final merit list of Sportsperson Category candidates is to be prepared only on the basis of sports achievements. After the process of document checking of candidates of Sportsperson category qualified in the online exam, their Sports Gradation certificates will be send to Director/Sports, Punjab for verification. Therefore, in view of guidelines issued vide this policy cannot be ignored and final list of Sportspersons will be issued by Sports Directorate only. Further, marks secured in the online exam by the candidates are considered only in the case when sports achievement of one or more sportsperson is same. (iv) Candidates working in Government/Semi-Government or Cooperative organizations shall have to submit “No objection certificate” from their organization after resigning before joining PSPCL. (v) Educational qualifications must be from a recognized Institution/University/Board. Candidates who have appeared in final year examination (2016-17 sessions) but their result is awaited, can also apply. He/She must acquire the requisite qualifications before the date of document checking and shall produce the certificate for the same. Candidate, who fails to do so even if he/she has qualified the online test, shall not be considered and no relaxation shall be given in this regard. 7. ABOUT THE ONLINE TEST: – (i) The online test is tentatively scheduled to be held at any centre in Punjab which will be intimated while sending the admit card. The information regarding the online test will be made available on our website www.pspcl.in or http://pspcl.in/recruitment/ from time to time. The test centre will be allotted by PSPCL while sending the admit card and no change of test centre will be permissible. The exact date, time and venue of the online test and information regarding dispatch of e-Admit Cards to the candidates, with instructions of the test will be made available prior to the date of the test by email and on website of PSPCL. (ii) After conductance of the online test, the answer keys will be displayed on PSPCL’s website www.pspcl.in and notice will be issued, wherein, if a candidate will have any objection on the answers displayed on the website. On the basis of objections received, the answer keys will be reviewed by the expert committee and final merit shall be prepared accordingly. (iii) Candidates who are eligible for more than one post need to deposit separate fee and should apply separately. However, every effort will be made to arrange tests in such a way that every candidate may appear in maximum number of tests. Here it is made clear that if due to any reason, any candidate is not able to appear in any of examination then mere applying for multiple posts does not entitle candidates to appear in all the examinations and no query or change in schedule of examination would be entertained under any circumstances. 8. TRAINING: – The selected candidates shall undergo training at Technical Training Institute, PSPCL and Patiala as per PSPCL instructions. 9. HOW TO APPLY: – 9.1 STEP-I : REGISTRATION FOR ONLINE APPLICATION FORM: i. Candidates can apply online by visiting PSPCL website www.pspcl.in and going to the “Recruitment” tab or http://pspcl.in/recruitment/ then to the link on “Recruitment for the Post of JE/ELECT & SSA against advertisement no. CRA 291/2017″. ii. Candidates are required to apply On-line through PSPCL website or through on hyperlink http://pspcl.in/recruitment/ in English only. No other means/mode of submission of application including manual/paper will be accepted under any circumstances. iii. Candidates should have a valid personal e-mail ID & an active mobile number to be registered while filling online application form and the same should be kept active during the entire recruitment process. Registration number, password, e-admit card for online test and call letter for document checking or any other important communication will be sent to the candidates at their registered e-mail/mobile number only. The candidates are, therefore, requested to regularly check their registered e-mail/PSPCL website for any communication from PSPCL and under no circumstances the candidate should share/mention their contact details to any other person. Please note that the e-admit card for online test or any other correspondence such as call for document checking etc. will not be sent by post. Further, applicants are advised to retain their registered Email ID & not to change their mobile number at any stage of recruitment process. PSPCL shall not be responsible in any manner at any stage either due to non-delivery of any update on registered Email ID or contacting on mobile number or if same is out of coverage area or is out of order due to some technical fault on the part of candidate or service provider. iv. For registration, candidates agreeing Terms & Conditions of the recruitment may apply by Click (√) in the Box & press ‘START’ button. Sign-up by selecting Post Applied, Name, Mobile No. and E-mail ID. On completion of Step-I, candidates will received Application Sequence No. (User ID) and Password on their registered email ID & mobile number. Candidates are advised to note down their login id and password for future use. 9.2 STEP-II : COMPLETION OF ONLINE APPLICATION DETAILS: a. After registration, candidate can Re-login or directly go to application tab displayed at the top of application form to complete Personal Details, Basic and Professional Qualification details, upload Photo & Signature etc. b. Instructions regarding scanning of Photograph and Signature: Candidates should upload the scanned (digital) image of their photograph and signature in Jpg/jpeg format, as per the process given below: i) Photograph’s image: • Photograph must be a recent passport size colour picture. • Make sure that the picture is in colour, taken against a light-coloured, preferably white background. • Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face. • If the picture is taken on a sunny day, have the sun behind you, or place yourself in the shade, so that you are not squinting and there are no harsh shadows. • If you have to use flash, ensure that there is no “red-eye”. • If you wear glasses make sure that there are no reflections and your eyes can be clearly seen. Caps, hats and dark glasses are not acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed but it must not cover your face. • Dimensions 150×200 pixels (preferred). • Size of file should be between 20 kb-50kb. • Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 50 kb. If the size of the File is more than 50 kb, then adjust the settings of the scanner such as the DPI resolution, no. of colours etc., during the process of scanning. ii. Signature’s image: • The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black ink pen only. • The signatures must be signed by the applicant herself/himself only and not by any other person. • The signatures will be used to put on the e-admit card and at other documents/places, wherever required. • If the applicant’s signatures on the attendance sheet etc., at the time of the examination do not match with the signatures on the admit card, the applicant will be disqualified. • Please scan the signatures area only and not the entire page. • Dimensions 140×60 pixels (preferred). • Size of file should be between 10kb-20kb. • Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 20 kb. a) Scanning the photograph & signatures: • Set the scanner resolution to a minimum of 200 DPI (dots per inch). • Set colour to true colour. • Adjust File size as specified above. • Crop the image in the scanner to the edge of the photograph/signatures, then use the upload editor to crop the image to the final size (as specified above).While filling in the online application form, the candidate will be provided with a link to upload his photograph and signature. b) Procedure for uploading the photograph and signature: • There will be two separate links for uploading photograph and signature. • Click on the respective link “Upload Photograph/signature”. • Browse and select the location where the scanned photograph/signature file has been saved. • Select the file by clicking on it. • Click the ‘Open/upload’ button. c) The image files should be in JPG/JPEG format. An example file name is: Image01.jpg. Image dimension can be checked by listing the folder files or moving the mouse over the file image icon. d) If the image file size and format are not as prescribed/properly loaded, an error message will be displayed. e) The candidate must preview his/her filled-in application form under the option “PREVIEW” before submission of his/her Step-II details. The candidates must check his/her all details and make corrections (if any) before clicking “SUBMIT” button. CANDIDATES CANNOT CHANGE ANY PARTICULAR DECLARED BY THEM AFTER CLICKING “SUBMIT” BUTTON. Clicking the SUBMIT button completes STEP-II of online application process. The candidate can now print/save STEP-II details of his/her application form. Please note that this print should not be sent to PSPCL. 9.3 STEP-III: DEPOSITING THE EXAMINATION FEE (NON REFUNDABLE): After completion the Step-II, the candidates have to deposit examination fee online as mentioned below through the prescribed link of online application “Make Payment” tab active after minimum 24 hours following by given below instructions :
Sr. No. Category Amount
1 All Categories except SC and Person with Disability Rs. 1000/- per Application + Bank Charges
2 SC Category Rs. 400/- per Application + Bank Charges
3 Person with Disability Rs. 500/- per Application + Bank Charges
  PSPCL shall match the receipt of the fee in the Bank with the details given by the candidate and the final acceptance of the application shall be only if the details available in the Bank are matching with the details filled by the candidate in the online application. Any mismatch found will lead to the cancellation of application. (i) The candidate should login with his/her login/user-id and password by clicking “ALREADY REGISTERED CANDIDATES” button at the bottom of the Instructions Page and select ‘Make Payment” tab. Once SB collect of State Bank of India portal opens, then DO not click refresh or Back button. (ii) Select disclaimer check box and proceed. (iii) On next screen select Category ‘PSPCLRECTT’. (iv) System will redirect you on PSPCL page of State Bank Collect Portal. (v) Enter required details i.e. application sequence number and date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY), then click on submit button. (vi) Kindly check and confirm the details shown on the next screen i.e. application sequence number, DOB, Name, Mobile Number, Email-id, Post Applied, Category etc., then click on submit button. (vii) Select the On-line payment option i.e. Internet Banking/ Credit Card / Debit Card. Kindly make the online payment via credit or debit card or Internet Banking and retained the transaction number for future reference. OTHER CONDITIONS: – (i) On successful registration of online application, candidates are advised not to attempt for re-registration for the same post since multiple registration number and password may create problem for candidates in future. In case of multiple registrations for the same post, the candidature is liable for cancellation/rejection without any notice/intimation to the candidate. (ii) Admit card for online test, containing the details of the centre/venue for the examination etc. will be sent to the candidates at their registered e-mail ID. The candidates are required to take a print out of their admit card. Candidate can also download their admit card from the PSPCL website using their registration number and the password. Candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall without valid admit card. (iii) Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date for depositing the fees to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability/failure to log on the PSPCL Website on account of heavy load on internet/website jam. (iv) PSPCL does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason whatsoever. (v) Candidates are also advised to keep copy of application form and e-admit card with them for reference and record. (vi) Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No other mode of application shall be accepted. (vii) Candidates serving in Govt./Quasi Govt. offices, public sector undertakings are required to submit “No objection Certificate” from their employer at the time of document checking, failing which their candidature may not be considered. (viii) Candidate should note that his/her candidature is purely “PROVISIONAL” subject to eligibility verification during document checking. Mere issue of admit card/ passing of online examination will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the PSPCL. Before submitting the application, the candidate must ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility criteria as laid down in this advertisement or amendments if any issued subsequently. (ix) The decision of the PSPCL about the mode of selection to the post and eligibility conditions shall be final and binding. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard. 10. ACTION AGAINST MISCONDUCT: (i) Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or should not suppress any material information while filling up the online application. (ii) At any stage of recruitment, if a candidate is or has been found guilty of a) Using unfair means during the examination b) Impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person c) Misbehaving in the examination hall or taking away destroying/damaging any equipment or any other thing in the examination hall. d) Resorting to any irregular/unfair means in connection with his/her candidature during selection process. e) Obtaining support for his/her candidature by any means. f) Apart from above, any other unfair means relating to Conduct of Examination or any other relevant matter. Such candidates in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution may also be liable to be: a) Disqualified from the examination hall. b) Debarred either permanently or for a specified period from any examination/recruitment. (iii) Mobile phone/Cell Phone/Hand bag/Purse/Ornaments/Electronics/NonElectronics instrument/ Goods/Articles etc except Pen & Pencil are strictly not allowed and are banned in the examination complex. (iv) Candidates are advised to bring only Admit Card, Photo Identity Card. Frisking will be done at entry point and during the exam. PSPCL or Examination Centre will not be responsible for keeping custody of any of the above prohibited items & the candidate shall be solely responsible for its safe custody outside the examination complex. Candidates should, therefore, read these instructions carefully and follow them strictly. If any of the candidates is found/possessing any of the above prohibited items inside the examination hall he/she shall be straightaway debarred from examination on the spot, apart from action as per law may also be initiated against him/her. 11. TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR RECRUITMENT AGAINST CRA 291/17: (i) No TA/DA will be paid for the journeys performed for the online test/document checking/counseling etc. (ii) Candidates are requested to mention their sub-category viz-a-viz Caste in online application form. (iii) All information including qualifications, category, age etc declared by the candidate in their application is presumed to be correct subject to its verification later on in respect of those eligible candidates who may be called for document checking before their appointment for joining PSPCL. There is no mechanism to verify the information/data during the online application. If, at any stage (during document checking before issue of appointment letter or even after his/her joining the PSPCL), any information of the candidate is found to be wrong/forged/fictitious/bogus, the candidature of such candidate will be cancelled ab initio and action will be taken against him/her according to law. (iv) Only those Government employees, if selected shall be eligible to be issued appointment letters who are certified by the Head of the Department as not having any pending disciplinary proceedings or undergoing punishment under Punjab Civil Services (Punishment & Appeal) Rules, 1970, or any other applicable rules, as the case may be, not undergoing any trial/prosecution or any other material disqualification in terms of integrity and professional misconduct and necessary NOC should be obtained from the Head of the Department. (v) The selected candidates will be governed by PSPCL Rules & Regulations amended from time to time. (vi) In case the candidate fails to deposit the requisite fee, his/ her application shall stand automatically cancelled/rejected and shall not be considered for further processing. (vii) In case, candidate is unable to get the admit card, he/ she must contact personally at the facilitation counter to be opened before the online test and will be notified before the said examination. For any clarifications regarding the online filling of the form, the candidate can contact through email: pspcl.helpdesk2017@gmail.com. (viii) Candidates must bring printout of E-Admit Card for verification on the day of online examination at the venue of Examination Centre along with at least one ORIGINAL (not photocopy or scanned copy) valid Photo Identification Card (for example: Employer ID (Government), Driving License, Voter ID, Aadhar Card, Passport issued by Government Authorities. The Candidate without admit card will not be allowed to appear in the online examination. (ix) The venue, date and time of document checking/counseling of the candidates in merit will be available on the website www.pspcl.in. Candidates will be informed individually about the document checking schedule only through registered e-mail. (x) In case of any ambiguity/dispute or interpretation, decision of the PSPCL shall be final and binding on the candidate. Legal jurisdiction shall be subject to Local Courts at Patiala only. In case of any difficulty or query related to online application process against CRA 291/17 only, please contact through email: pspcl.helpdesk2017@gmail.com or on toll free phone no 18002663096 by quoting his registration/reference number. Date : 20.12.17                                                                                                 Chief Engineer/HRD, Place : Patiala                                                                                                    PSPCL, Patiala.              

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