Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) Recruitment for the post of LDC/Typist in PSPCL

Posted 7 years ago
Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL), a power generating and distribution organization of Government of Punjab, has played a key role in implementation of Punjab Government plans for Electrification. PSPCL is looking for young & dynamic candidates with brilliant academic record for the post of LDC/Typist:- Start of receiving online applications  21.12.2017 Closing date of online registration  11.01.2018 (11.59 PM) Closing date of Step-III (Online application fee)  15.01.2018 (11.59 PM) Note: – (i) DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS MAY BE REFERRED AT THE TIME OF MAKING ONLINE APPLICATION GIVEN ON THE ONLINE WEB-PAGE AT PSPCL WEBSITE (www.pspcl.in). (II) CANDIDATES IN THEIR OWN INTEREST ARE ADVISED, NOT TO WAIT TILL THE LAST DATE & TIME AND REGISTER THEIR APPLICATION WELL WITHIN THE TIME. PSPCL SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE, IF THE CANDIDATES ARE NOT ABLE TO SUBMIT THEIR APPLICATION DUE TO LAST TIME RUSH. 1) Advertisement No: – CRA-290/2017
  1.  Name of Post  –   LDC/Typist  Post Code   –  11 No. of posts – 330
  2. Basic and professional qualification a) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institution And b) Possesses at least one hundred and twenty hours course with hands on experience in the use of Personal Computer or Information Technology in Office productivity application or Desktop Publishing application from a Govt. recognized institution or a reputed institution, which is ISO 9001 certified OR Possesses a Computer information Technology Course equivalent to ‘O’ level certificate of Department. Of Electronics Accreditation of Computer Courses (DOEACC) of Govt. of India.
  3. Pay Scale     6400-20200 + Rs. 3400 Grade pay
Important note:- 1) During the probation period mentioned in the offer of appointment or extended probation period whichever is more, newly appointed candidates shall be paid ‘fixed monthly emoluments’ of initial pay only and will not include any Grade Pay, Dearness allowance, annual increment or any other allowance except the travelling allowance as per entitlement of the post held by such candidate. However, in case of appointment of candidates already in service in PSPCL, their pay shall be protected if the ‘fixed monthly emoluments’ in the offer of appointment are lower than the pay actually drawn by them on the post on which they hold lien. But they will not be given any increment or any other allowance except TA during the probation period. When the services of a Government employee are regularized in that case the period spent on probation by them shall not be treated to be time spent on such post. Important Notes:- a) PSPCL reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts as indicated above or cancel the entire/partial recruitment against the said CRA 290/17. b) Candidates are advised to read the bifurcation of the categories very carefully before filling up the online application as category/sub-category once filled cannot be changed to any other category including general category. c) As per the latest amendment made by the Ministry of Law and justice (Legislative Dept.) in ‘THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITY ACT 2016’, which have been further adopted by GoP vide memo. no. 1/1/2017/3DC-1063666/1 dated 13.09.2017, reservation quota for Physically Handicapped category (PHP) has been increased from 3% to 4%. However, in view this, if GoP make any changes in 100 no. roster point in future (before the declaration of result) against the said CRA 290/17, then the above mentioned category-wise break-up as per Table ‘C’ may change accordingly. d) 30 LDC/Typist will be recruited by PSPCL on behalf of PSTCL. However, PSPCL reserves the right to allocate 30 LDC/Typist to PSTCL out of selected candidates. Final selection and appointment letters (to be issued to the candidates allocated to PSTCL) will be done by PSTCL only. 2. KNOWLEDGE OF PUNJABI :- Qualification of Punjabi is essential for this post:- For this purpose, all the candidates must have passed Punjabi of atleast Matriculation or its equivalent level upto the date of document checking. Note: Relaxable for Sikh Migrants upto the extent that they will have to acquire such qualification within two years after joining the service failing which their services shall be terminated. 3. AGE LIMIT: – As per Punjab Govt. notification G.S.R.20/Const./Art.309/Amd.(10)/2010 dated 24.05.2010, the age limit as on 1/1/2018 for eligibility for these posts will be 18 to 37 years and relaxation in age will be as per Govt. of Punjab instructions. 4. RELAXATION IN AGE LIMIT: – Upper age limit is relaxable as admissible under rules/instructions of PSPCL/ Punjab Government adopted by PSPCL from time to time. Relaxation in age in different categories subject to the condition that the candidate is meeting other eligibility criteria for the post as given below:- a. SC and Backward class: 5 years over & above the normal recruitment age. b. Ex-Serviceman (Self): Ex-servicemen of Punjab Domicile shall be allowed to deduct the period of his service in the Armed Forces of Union from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for direct appointment to such a vacancy in the Service Rules concerned by more than three years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit. c. Physically Handicapped: 10 years over and above the normal recruitment age. d. In case of the following, the upper age limit shall be 40 years: i) Widows; ii) Women who are legally separated from their husbands or have been divorced; iii) Women whose husbands have been ordered by Civil or Criminal courts to pay maintenance to them; iv) Women who have because of their desertion, been living separately from their husbands for more than two years. v) Women whose husbands have re-married; and vi) Wives of the serving military personnel and wives of those who are disabled while in Military service. 5. RESERVATION OF POSTS (for candidates of Punjab Domicile only):- The reservation of posts for reserved categories is applicable for candidates of Punjab Domicile only. Category once filled in the Application Form will not be allowed to be changed and no benefit of other category/General category will be admissible later on. The reserved category candidate will be required to submit requisite certificate on the prescribed format at the time of document checking if qualified in the online test. Back log/unfilled posts shall be filled as per the table given (Page-2) in the Advertisement if any, shall be filled as per instructions of Govt. of Punjab adopted by PSPCL. The SC/BC Category certificate should be in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Welfare, Punjab and the certificate for the Physically Handicapped Person, Ex-Serviceman, Freedom Fighter and Sports Person categories should be in accordance with the instruction of the Concerned Department of GoP as per the following details: SC/BC  –      Certificate as per the instruction of the concerned department. Ex-Servicemen –  Lineal Descendant certificate duly issued by the concerned District Sainik Welfare Officer. Freedom Fighter – The requisite certificate issued by the Deputy Commissioner of the concerned district as per the instructions of the Punjab Govt. Sports Person   – The relevant certificate regarding gradation as issued by the Director, Sports Department, Punjab. Person with Disability  –  The certificate shall be issued by Civil Surgeon of Govt. Of Punjab. For Persons with Disability who are applying for a particular post shall be given the reservation to the extent of disability allowed as per lists of posts identified by Pb. Govt. Please refer Annexure-‘A’ for this. Note1: Candidates applying under the above mentioned categories should have obtained reservation related certificates before last date of online submission of the applications. Note2: Eligibility of persons with disability (PWD) candidates, who are applying under General category for any post, shall be as per identification list given in the Annexure ‘A’. 6. SELECTION PROCESS :- (i) Candidates possessing qualifications defined as per Table ‘B’ will have to undergo online test, wherein, scheme of online examination for the post of LDC/Typist will be as follows:-
  1.     Static + Current affairs, General Knowledge     – 20 Questions
  2.     Basic Computer knowledge  –                                 10 Questions
  3.     Logical Reasoning                  –                                  25 Questions
  4.      Numerical Aptitude              –                                  25 Questions
  5.      General English                     –                                  20 Questions Total                                                                        100 Questions
(ii) The merit shall be prepared based on the marks secured in the online test except Sports person category which shall be determined as per Sports gradation policy no. 47/26/83-5Edu./2036 dated 10.12.1997). If two or more candidates secure same marks, then their relative merit shall be determined by their age with higher age candidates shall be placed at higher merit. The minimum qualifying marks in the online test for General Category candidates is 50% and for Reserve Category candidates is 40%. There will be 100 multiple choice objective type questions with one correct answer and there will be negative marking for a wrong answer @ 0.25 (1/4th) of the marks allotted for correct answer. (iii) On the basis of marks secured in the online examination, candidates shall be called for document checking, wherein, verification of original documents/certificates would be done by the document checking committee, for which the date shall be notified later through registered e-mail ID and on PSPCL’s website (www.pspcl.in) only. It is clarified that mere calling of any candidate for document checking doesn’t entitle him/her for selection/appointment to the said post. The offer of appointment for the number of posts to be filled will be given to the successful candidates qualified in the online test provided the candidates are found eligible after checking/verification of the documents relating to the various qualifications and eligibility criteria such as age, academic qualification, passing of Punjabi and certificates in respect of reservation etc. The candidature of a candidate will be rejected without any notice if any certificate or document provided found fake or forged or does not meet the eligibility criteria. DEPOSITING THE EXAMINATION FEE (NON REFUNDABLE) : After completion the Step-II, the candidates have to deposit examination fee online as mentioned below through the prescribed link of online application “Make Payment” tab active after minimum 24 hours following by given below instructions : All Categories except SC and Person with Disability –  Rs. 1000/- per Application + Bank Charges SC Category – Rs. 400/- per Application + Bank Charges Person with Disability –  Rs. 500/- per Application + Bank Charges

Job Features

Job CategoryPSPCL (Electricity Board)

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