Group D
all india
Posted 7 years ago
Railway Recruitment Boards are examining bodies in association with the Government of India to recruit new employees for Indian Railways Department. RRB comprises of 21 boards spread all over India. It has released a notification to recruit Grade D employees. Online registration of RRB will begin from 03/02/2018 and will close on 05/03/2018. Candidates who are eligible for the post can apply. The details of the notification are given below for your ready reference.  

Number of vacancies: 62,907

Release of Application Form 10/02/2018
ast Date of Registration Process 12/03/2018
Tentative First stage Computer Based Test (CBT) April/May 2018
Dates for other stages of recruitment process Shall be intimated through RRB’s website

Eligibility Criteria:

(A) Age (as on 01.07.2018): 18 – 31 Years 

(B) Essential Academic Qualifications for RRB Posts 2018:

Candidates must have the Educational/Technical qualifications as directed in the official notification, from a recognized University or Institute. He or she should posses the required qualifications on the date of submission of the application for the Grade D posts at RRB online application link. One can ensure the details of the prescribed qualifications of the said posts by visiting the official website, link for the same is given below: https://www.makemyexam.in/sites/default/files/attachments139/Railways-RRB-Group-D-Official-Recruitment-Notification-2018.pdf Candidates whose results are awaited for the final year of the prescribed qualification need not apply. Diploma/Degree in Engineering will not be accepted due to course completed Act Apprenticeship / ITI for the post of Technicians if not mentioned. Similarly, Graduate Act Apprentice will not be acknowledged in lieu of Course Completed Act Apprenticeship (CCAA).

Application Fees for RRB 2018 posts:

S. No. Candidate Categories Application Fee
1. For all candidates except the fee concession categories mentioned below at S. No 2 500/-
2. For Candidates belonging to SC / ST / Ex-Serviceman / PWDs / Female / Transgender / Minorities / Economically backward class. *This fee of Rs 250 shall be refunded duly deducting bank charges as applicable, on appearing in First Stage CBT. 250/-


  1. Candidates can pay ONLINE fees through internet banking or debit or credit cards till 12.03.2018 ( 22.00 Hrs)
  2. Candidates can pay OFFLINE fee payment through:
–               SBI Bank Challan Payment mode which closes on 12.03.2018 at 13.00 Hrs in any branch of SBI. –               Post Office Challan Payment mode which closes on 10.03.2018 at 13.00 Hrs in any branch of computerized Post Office.

The Process of Selection:

The selection process consists of :
  1. Computer Based Test (CBT)
  3. Document Verification and Empanelling of selected Candidates

1. Computer Based Test (CBT):

Sr. No. Name of Tests (Objective) No. of Questions Total Time
1 Mathematics 100 90 Minutes
2 General Intelligence and Reasoning
3 General Science
4 General awareness
  Negative Marking: There will be negative marking for every wrong answer in the CBT. The penalty of 1/3rd of the marks is allotted for each wrong answer given by the candidate.


Candidates who will qualify CBT will be called for PET. The merit list will be two times the community wise total vacancy of the posts released in RRBs. It is mandatory to pass PET as it is a qualifying test for the posts advertised by RRBs. The eligibility criterion for PET is given below:
S. No. Male Candidates Female Candidates
1. Should be able to lift and carry 35 kg of weight for a distance of 100 metres in 2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight down. Should be able to lift and carry 20 kg of weight for a distance of 100 meters in 2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight down.
2. Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 meters in 4 minutes and 15 seconds in one chance. Should be able to run for a distance of 1000 meters in 5 minutes and 40 seconds in one chance.
Note: Candidates will disabilities are not included to appear in PET. Such candidates need to pass medical examination according to the Disabilities a person has.

3. Document Verification and Empanelling of selected Candidates:

The candidates who will qualify CBT and PET will be called for Document verification and empanel for the posts notified.


Candidates called for DV (Document Verification) need to pass necessary medical fitness test performed by the Railway Administration to make sure that the candidates are medically able-bodied to carry out the duties associated with the posts chosen by them. Visual Acuity Standard is one of the significant criteria of medical fitness for railway staff. The medical requirements for various medical standards for diverse categories are summarized below:  
1. A-1 PHYSICALLY FIT IN ALL RESPECT Distance Vision: 6/6, 6/6 without glasses with fogging test (must not accept +2D) Near Vision: Sn: 0.6,0.6 without glasses and Must pass tests for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Field of Vision, Night Vision, Mesopic Vision etc
2. B-1 PHYSICALLY FIT IN ALL RESPECT Distance Vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 4D) Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required and Must pass test for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Night Vision, Mesopic Vision etc
3. B-2 PHYSICALLY FIT IN ALL RESPECT Distance Vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 4D). Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required and Must pass test for Binocular Vision etc
4. C-1 PHYSICALLY FIT IN ALL RESPECT Distance Vision: 6/12, 6/18 with or without glasses. Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required.


The Basic pay scale is Rs. 18000/- plus other allowances as permissible.

RRB Online Registration 2018:

RRB Regions Name and Official Website:

RRB’s Region Name Official Website
RRB Allahabad www.rrbald.gov.in
RRB Jammu and Srinagar www.rrbjammu.nic.in
RRB Mumbai www.rrbmumbai.gov.in
RRB Kolkata www.rrbkolkata.gov.in
RRB Malda www.rrbmalda.gov.in
RRB Secunderabad www.rrbsecunderabad.nic.in
RRB Bhopal www.rrbbpl.nic.in
RRB Siliguri www.rrbsiliguri.org
RRB Ajmer www.rrbajmer.org
RRB Ahmedabad www.rrbahmedabad.gov.in
RRB Gorakhpur www.rrbgkp.gov.in
RRB Bilaspur www.rrbbilaspur.gov.in
RRB Chennai www.rrbchennai.gov.in
RRB Muzaffarpur www.rrbmuzaffarpur.gov.in
RRB Patna www.rrbpatna.gov.in
RRB Bhubaneswar www.rrbbbs.gov.in
RRB Bangalore www.rrbbnc.gov.in
RRB Ranchi www.rrbranchi.org
RRB Thiruvananthapuram www.rrbthiruvananthapuram.gov.in
RRB Chandigarh www.rrbcdg.gov.in
RRB Guwahati www.rrbguwahati.gov.in

RRB ALP Recruitment 2018-19  Apply for 26502 Vacancies

Indian Railway is one of the largest government departments in India.  This department creates thousands of vacancies every year. In 2018, Railways department is going to appoint candidates to the post of Assistant Loco Pilots and Technicians. It is a golden career option for those who are aspiring for government jobs as the number of vacancies is in thousands.

Railway Recruitment Notification 2018

Railway Recruitment board released a notification of 26,502 vacancies for various posts lying vacant in the department. Aspirants who want to apply for the examination can apply online by following the link given below of the official website of Railways Recruitment Board. Aspirants can read the official notification by clicking on the link mentioned below. Click to check Railway Recruitment 2018 Official Notification)

Apply Online Railway Recruitment

Railway Recruitment Board has notified for an Online Application for the post of ALP and Technicians with effect from 3rd February 2018. The last date for application is 5th March 2018.Candidates that need the job can apply online by clicking on the link mentioned below. http://www.rly-rect-appn.in/alptech2017/

Railway Recruitment 2018 Application Fee

One can apply online from 3rd February 2018 for Railway Recruitment jobs. The registration will end on 5th March 2018.Application Fees for the candidate is Rs. 500 for Unreserved and OBC category. The candidates who belong to SC/ ST/ Ex-Serviceman/ PWDs/ Female/ Transgender/ Minorities/ Economically backward class will have to pay Rs. 250/- as application fee. Application Fees:
S. No. Candidate Categories Application Fee
1. For all candidates except the fee concession categories mentioned below at S. No 2 500/-

For Candidates belonging to SC / ST / Ex-Serviceman / PWD / Female / Transgender / Minorities / Economically backward class.

*This fee of Rs 250 shall be refunded duly deducting bank charges as applicable, on appearing in First Stage CBT.


Vacancies in 2018 in Railway Recruitment Board

There are 26505 posts being notified in the recent notification to be filled by Railways department in RRB 2018 Exam. Approximately 17,673 vacancies are for Loco Pilot (ALP) and about 8,829 posts for the Technicians. Candidates can find the detailed vacancy details for RRB 2018 Exam in the table given below: Vacancies in 2018 in Railway Recruitment Board
S.No Cities Number of Vacancies
1 Ahmedabad 164
2 Ajmer 1221
3 Allahabad 4694
4 Bangalore 1054
5 Bhopal 1679
6 Bhubaneshwar 702
7 Bilaspur 945
8 Chandigarh 1546
9 Chennai 945
10 Gorakhpur 1588
11 Guwahati 422
12 Jammu-Srinagar 367
13 Kolkata 1824
14 Malda 880
15 Mumbai 1425
16 Muzaffarpur 465
17 Patna 454
18 Ranchi 2043
19 Secunderabad 3262
20 Siliguri 477
21 Thiruvananthapuram 345
Total 26502

Exam Dates for Railway Recruitment 2018

Examination dates announced by Railway Recruitment 2018 is given below. Second stage of CBT is not declared by RRB in the recent notification.
Examination Dates
Railway Recruitment 2018 Notification 3rd February 2018
Start of Railway Recruitment 2018 Online Application 3rd February 2018
Railway Recruitment 2018 Application Form Closes 5th March 2018
Railway Recruitment 2018 First Stage CBT April-May 2018
Railway Recruitment 2018 Second Stage CBT To be notified soon

Exam Pattern Railway Recruitment 2018

RRB Exam 2018 consists of two stages of Computer-Based Tests which is followed by Computer-based Aptitude Test. Further document verification is conducted by the authorities.

Details of both the stages of CBI are given below:

The first stage of CBT-  There is a minimum percentage of marks eligibility required for RRB Exam 2018 for various categories – UR -40%, OBC-30%, SC-30%, ST -25%. –               RRB Exam will comprise of multiple-choice objective type questions. These will be published bilingual (Hindi/English). –               The examining body will monitor negative Marking by deducting 1/3 marks for every wrong answer. –               Candidates to be shortlisted for the second stage will be approximately 15 times the total vacancies lying with every community. It will be based on the merit list developed by RRB on the basis of the performance of the candidates in the first stage of the given examination.

First Stage Exam Pattern

Serial Number Sections Number of Questions Duration
1 Mathematics 75 Questions in total 60 minutes
2 General Intelligence & Reasoning
3 General Science
4 General Awareness on Current Affairs
  PART-B –               Qualifying Marks is 35 % and there is no relaxation to any category. –               This section is qualifying in nature having questions based on the trade syllabus as prescribed by the Director General of Employment and Training.
Subject Number of Questions Duration
Applicable Trade 75 Questions 60 minutes

Computer-Based Aptitude Test

(For Candidates who opt for ALP) –               The candidates appearing in this test have to score a minimum of 42 marks to qualify. There is no relaxation for any category of the candidate. –               There is no negative marking in Computer-Based AT. –               The merit list of ALP Exam will be prepared only amid the candidates who have qualified in the Aptitude Test, with 70% weight for the marks obtained in Part A of Second Stage CBT and 30% weight for the marks obtained in Computer-Based AT
Part Name of Tests (Objective) No. of Questions Total Time
Part A Mathematics 100 90 Min
General Intelligence and Reasoning
Basic Science and Engineering
General Awareness of Current Affairs
Part B Professional Knowledge 75 (Qualifying Mark: 35 %) 60 Min


1 A-1 PHYSICALLY FIT IN ALL RESPECT Distance Vision: 6/6, 6/6 without glasses with fogging test (must not accept +2D) Near Vision: Sn: 0.6,0.6 without glasses and Must pass tests for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Field of Vision, Night Vision, Mesopic Vision etc
2 B-1 PHYSICALLY FIT IN ALL RESPECT Distance Vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 4D) Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required and Must pass test for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Night Vision, Mesopic Vision etc
3 B-2
Distance Vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 4D). Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required and Must pass test for Binocular Vision etc
4 C-1 PHYSICALLY FIT IN ALL RESPECT Distance Vision: 6/12, 6/18 with or without glasses. Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required.

Document Verification

  The process of document verification for various posts of RRB 2018 Exam is: TECHNICIAN POST Candidates who have qualified Part A of the second stage of CBI will be eligible for document verification for final joining. –              ALP POST For ALP post the final joining will be based on the performance of the candidates in both Part A of the Second stage of CBT and Computer-based AT subject with qualifying marks obtained in Part B of Second Stage of CBT. Note: Candidates who will attempt to submit the application for more than once will be disqualified or debarred from the examination.

Eligibility Criteria for Railway Recruitment 2018

The eligibility criteria to apply for Railway Recruitment 2018 are as follows:
  1. A candidate should be between 18-28 years to be eligible for Railway Recruitment 2018 exam.
  2. He or She should hold a Degree, Diploma, and HSC (10+2) to be eligible for the posts of ALP and their engineering discipline (Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering in combination with various streams in the respective Engineering Traits): post of Assistant Loco Pilot
  3. Candidates who have qualified with Physics and Mathematics in 12th Standard are eligible for Technician Grade III Signal and Technician Grade III Telecommunication posts namely Post 70 and Post 71 respectively.
  4. A candidate should to be –
–              A citizen of India, –              A subject of Nepal, –              A subject of Bhutan, –              A Tibetan Refugee who came to India before 1st January 1962 to settle permanently in India or –              A person of Indian origin who have migrated to India from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, Vietnam, to settle permanently in India.  
Serial No. Category Upper Age Limit
1 SC / ST 33 years
2 OBC 31 years
3 Person with disabilities (General) 38 years
4 Person with disabilities(SC /ST) 43 years
5 Person with disabilities(OBC) 41 years

Railway Recruitment 2018 Admit Card

Candidates who have applied for Railway Recruitment 2018 Exam will be issued Admit Card for the first stage of CBT. Railway board will issue separate Admit Card for Stage 1 CBT and Stage 2 CBT. The candidates who have successfully qualified in Stage 1 CBT of Railway Recruitment 2018 will be issued Admit Card for Stage 2 CBT To log in to the official website of Railway Recruitment Board, a candidate should have: –               Registration Number/Roll Number –               Date of Birth/Password All the future correspondence with respect to this exam such as admit card and scorecard can only be downloaded with the help of these. A candidate will be issued admit card for Railway Recruitment Board 2018 for both the stages separately as
  • For Stage 1 CBT
  • For Stage 2 CBT
Candidates are advised to read the guidelines carefully by visiting the official website of Railways before downloading the respective admit card. Railway Recruitment 2018 Result The result of Stage 1 and Stage 2 CBT of RRB will be announced after conducting the examination. At first, the result of Stage 1 CBT will be announced. Candidates who have qualified Stage 1 CBT are only permitted to appear in Stage 2 of Railway Recruitment 2018 Exam. Result for Stage 2 CBT will be announced after the examination for the same has been conducted.

RRB Online Registration 2018:

RRB Regions Name and Official Website:
RRB’s Region Name Official Website
RRB Allahabad www.rrbald.gov.in
RRB Jammu and Srinagar www.rrbjammu.nic.in
RRB Mumbai www.rrbmumbai.gov.in
RRB Kolkata www.rrbkolkata.gov.in
RRB Malda www.rrbmalda.gov.in
RRB Secunderabad www.rrbsecunderabad.nic.in
RRB Bhopal www.rrbbpl.nic.in
RRB Siliguri www.rrbsiliguri.org
RRB Ajmer www.rrbajmer.org
RRB Ahmedabad www.rrbahmedabad.gov.in
RRB Gorakhpur www.rrbgkp.gov.in
RRB Bilaspur www.rrbbilaspur.gov.in
RRB Chennai www.rrbchennai.gov.in
RRB Muzaffarpur www.rrbmuzaffarpur.gov.in
RRB Patna www.rrbpatna.gov.in
RRB Bhubaneswar www.rrbbbs.gov.in
RRB Bangalore www.rrbbnc.gov.in
RRB Ranchi www.rrbranchi.org
RRB Thiruvananthapuram www.rrbthiruvananthapuram.gov.in
RRB Chandigarh www.rrbcdg.gov.in
RRB Guwahati www.rrbguahati.gov.in

Job Features

Job CategoryRailway

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